Louise Hodges
Greenbug, Inc., President
Greenbug, Inc. was created to offer all-natural pest control solutions for the myriad of pests we experience inthe Lowcountry. Using an active ingredient of Cedar (just like cedar chests and closets where you never see a bug), Greenbug offers a line of products and solutions against all the pests you do not want - mosquitoes, fleas, fire ants, roaches, chiggers, no-see-ems, grubs, mole crickets, ticks, whitefly, aphids, head lice and even bed bugs!
Greenbug created the Greenbug System which offers automatic pest control throughyour irrigation system. Like an I.V. drip into the main irrigation line, our all-natural Greenbug Concentrate is distributed throughout the irrigation system for set-it-and-forget-it pest-free property both inside and outside. A Greenbug System offers the least expensive, most effective and certainly the safest option for 24/7/365 pest control for the entire property, both inside and outside.