Professional Women in Building Council PWB of the Lowcountry Button group with nested dropdown Deb Durrant AR Homes, Owner | Sales & Marketing Carla Rohal Cregger Company, Inc. Andrea Eldred Element Construction, Partner - Business Development Brantley King Billy Wood Appliance, Vice President Missy Layman Kinghorn Insurance Agency, LLC, Partner Melissa Brock The Greenery, Inc., Senior Business Developer Patricia Strimpfel Reclamation By Design, Ltd. Kathryn Drury Drury & Associates, LLC Teri May LoanDepot, Loan Consultant Brenda Dooley Hilton Head Regional Habitat for Humanity, Executive Director Lauren Marcinkoski Fraser Construction Commercial, LLC Heather Quinn The Twelve Oaks Group Deb Durrant AR Homes, Owner | Sales & Marketing Carla Rohal Cregger Company, Inc. Andrea Eldred Element Construction, Partner - Business Development Brantley King Billy Wood Appliance, Vice President Missy Layman Kinghorn Insurance Agency, LLC, Partner Melissa Brock The Greenery, Inc., Senior Business Developer Patricia Strimpfel Reclamation By Design, Ltd. Kathryn Drury Drury & Associates, LLC Teri May LoanDepot, Loan Consultant Brenda Dooley Hilton Head Regional Habitat for Humanity, Executive Director Lauren Marcinkoski Fraser Construction Commercial, LLC Heather Quinn The Twelve Oaks Group